This study was carried out to examine promotional problems in the hospitality industry in Hall mark hotel, Enugu State. Specifically, the study examined to what extent the selected hotels in Enugu State have gone in the application of advertising as one of the tools for marketing promotions on hospitality industry. The study also Find out what benefit have accrued to those hotels that applied advertisement in their business. Furthermore, the study intends to Know what the customers have gained from hotel services because of the use of promotional element like advertising by the hotels in Enugu State. Lastly, the study intend to understanding the mode of advertising mostly used by hotels in Enugu State.. The study employed the survey descriptive research design. A total of 30 responses were validated from the survey. From the responses obtained and analyzed, the findings revealed that hotel promotion have created awareness by offering corporate rate with recreational facilities. Also, hotel promotion has created awareness in the provision of easy transportation. Lastly, hotel promotion offer healthy menu options. The study hereby recommend That the hospitality industry should involve experts in the advertising and promotion of hotel services. Also, Investments in marketing by hotel management should be well coordinated in such a way that other aspects of the hotel business are also put into consideration when marketing decisions are being taken.
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